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Streamlined design workflow with Solido integration

That 'aha' moment

Maximize your design productivity with improved integration into the Solido Design Environment. Access simulation results instantly with the new Simulation Results panel, featuring real-time measurements, spec compliance highlights, and easy CSV export for reports and analysis.

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Further product details

Solido Characterization Suite

Comprehensive suite of fast, accurate library characterization tools powered by machine learning. Significantly reduces standard cell, custom cell and memory characterization time and resources, while delivering production-accurate Liberty models and statistical data.

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Solido Characterization Suite

Comprehensive suite of fast, accurate library characterization tools powered by machine learning. Significantly reduces standard cell, custom cell and memory characterization time and resources, while delivering production-accurate Liberty models and statistical data.

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Solido Design Environment

A comprehensive AI-powered design environment for all SPICE-level design and verification, and is a single unified solution for nominal and variation analysis. Used by thousands of designers to produce the most competitive products in hp computing, AI, IoT, automotive and mobile applications.

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Solido IP Validation Suite

The industry’s first end-to-end silicon IP quality assurance for IC design. Solido IP Validation suite offers the fastest, most comprehensive integrated IP validation solution, providing complete, seamless IP QA from design to tape-out, across all design views and IP revisions.

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Solido Simulation Suite

An integrated suite of AI-accelerated SPICE, Fast SPICE and mixed-signal simulators designed to help customers dramatically accelerate critical design and verification tasks for their next-generation analog, mixed-signal and custom IC designs.

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Explore the full Custom IC design flow from Siemens EDA

To get a clear understanding of the key parts of the the solution watch each of these short videos. Whilst they have been composed as a ‘playlist’ each can be viewed standalone

#1 From ‘concept to GDSII’

Video resources

Business & help

Discover EDA Solutions’ values and guiding principles, as well as the tools we provide to support customers can help you.


Custom IC’s require specialist design tools to go from concept through to GDSII tape out. Learn about the IC design flow we offer.

Quick Videos

Discover your “Aha!” moment. A series of ‘self-service’ videos designed to introduce a new topic, tool or feature in about 2 mins.