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Comprehensive suite of fast, accurate library characterization tools powered by machine learning. Significantly reduces standard cell, custom cell and memory characterization time and resources, while delivering production-accurate Liberty models and statistical data.

Solido Characterization Suite

  • Massive speedup in library characterization and verification
  • Better quality libraries, improved power, performance, and area
  • Supports standard cells, IOs, memories, and custom cells
  • Works with all characterization tools and flows
  • Works on all .lib data types: timing, power, noise, and variation

Solido Analytics

  • Comprehensive .lib verification in hours instead of weeks
  • Finds issues undetectable by traditional checks
  • Supports hundreds of standard checks and custom checks
  • Compares all library metrics and summarizes information for the user
  • Supports custom plots with user-defined functions and variables

Solido Generator

  • Uses machine learning to accelerate characterization
  • Produces new PVTs .libs in minutes, 100x+ faster than SPICE
  • Works using .libs as input; does not need SPICE simulation or characterizer calibration
  • 2x+ speedup for characterization across all PVTs