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Configure and run Calibre RealTime

That 'aha' moment

Ideal for iterative use whilst designing

Calibre RealTime is ideal for iterative use whilst designing. The need to compile rulesets and export the GDSII file to perform DRC is eliminated, and instead, on-demand DRC is enabled creating an efficient, agile design process.

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Further product details

Calibre Interactive

Calibre Interactive GUI gives users access to the Calibre RVE interface, the robust and easy-to-use results viewing environment. Deploy foundry decks to design flows The…

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Calibre RealTime Custom

Calibre DRC confidence in Custom Design The award-winning Calibre RealTime Custom interface lets custom/AMS IC designers perform fixes and what-if analysis during implementation, and adjust…

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Calibre RealTime Digital

The Calibre RealTime Digital interface enables on-demand Calibre sign-off design rule checking for digital design flows, enabling physical design and verification engineers to optimise their…

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Calibre RVE

Debugging the error results of physical and circuit verification is costly, both in time and resources. Calibre RVE provides fast, flexible, easy-to-use graphical debugging capabilities…

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Video resources

Business & help

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Custom IC’s require specialist design tools to go from concept through to GDSII tape out. Learn about the IC design flow we offer.

Quick videos

Discover your “Aha!” moment. A series of ‘self-service’ videos designed to introduce a new topic, tool or feature in about 2 mins.