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The KnowledgeBase section offers simple explanations, tech-notes, tips and videos to illustrate how you can do your job more efficiently.

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  • Exporting bind keys from S-Edit and L-Edit
    Settings of Bind keys (keyboard shortcuts) can be exported from S-Edit and L-Edit. This helps in case users want to share the same setup of bind keys or transfer these settings from another environment or tool version.
  • Modify annotation of small signal parameters on symbols
    After simulation, small signal parameters of the instance such as “vth” and “vgs” are annotated in S-Edit. The method to change the annotation, by adding or removing annotation entries on the symbols, will be discussed.
  • Siemens EDA tool installer guide
    The Siemens EDA installer is packaged with features that allow installation of the tools via the GUI, or in batch mode via the commandline. This article shows how both modes can be used.
  • Performing move-align in L-Edit
    How-to video showing how to perform move-align action in L-Edit. This action allows designers to align objects with respect to other objects’ features in either the verticle or the horizonal axis.
  • Calibre nmLVS: Filter elements from layout or source
    This artice discusses how to filter elements from the layout or the source netlists such that they get ignored during LVS. This is commonly used to exclude dummy layout devices, filler cells or decoupling cells that would otherwise cause missing instance LVS errors.
  • Plotting small-signal parameters
    This article describes how to plot small-signal parameters of a component in your design. We will show how to configure the plotting settings both from the GUI as well as by netlisting to achieve this purpose.
  • Licensing as a service (systemd) on Linux
    This article describes how SALT server can be configured as a SYSTEMD service manully on Linux. The SALT installer should do this automatically, but for situations where this is needed to be done manually, the steps are described here.
  • SALT Licensing: Manual installation of floating licenses
    The SALT installer will perform the configuration automatically by default. However, in situations where manual installation of floating licenses is needed, this article describes the step by step approach to configure licensing.
  • Finding License File from the Siemens Support Center
    License files are available from the Siemens Support Center. This article explains how to access them.
  • Pin placement methods for Tanner Digital Implementer
    The pin placement of your design’s floorplan generated from P&R can be customised in two methods: By drawing the floorplan and drawing the pins in L-Edit; and by customising your P&R scripts to source pin locations and insert them during P&R. This article describes these two methods in detail.
  • Using S-Edit’s Find feature with TCL filters and modifications
    Users can easily use the “Find” window to set up search parameters using the GUI and then add additional search filters and modifications using Tcl commands, reducing the overall need for scripting.
  • Licensing Tanner Tools 2018.x and earlier with node-locked USB dongle based licenses
    This KB article shows how to license earlier versions of Tanner Tools using the most recent version of FlexNet licensing.
  • SALT Licensing Installation Guide
    Siemens is consolidating the FlexNet licensing scheme from Mentor into the Siemens FlexNet Siemens Advanced Licensing Technology (SALT) licensing scheme. This guide will cover how to set up the new licensing scheme.
  • EDA Solutions Utilities
    EDA Solutions may develop scripts and programs for internal use and customer use. These tools are shared on our GitHub and will be collated here.
  • Customising the Nitro Reference Flow (NRF) in TDI
    This technote shows how to transfer a TDI project from the GUI setup arrangement to command line while customising the NRF.
  • Manual download of “dongle” license drivers
    Installing dongle license drivers can be done through the Siemens install tool. However, if the installation fails, drivers can be downloaded and installed manually.
  • Managing layer rendering settings in L-Edit
    Changing the rendering settings in L-Edit can be useful to increase the visibility of certain layers. This article describes how to change, save and restore these layer rendering settings.
  • Performing XOR using Calibre One
    Calibre provides XOR through the DRC verification option to compare two layout cells in Tanner tools. There are two layout comparison flows through the Calibre DRC integration, FastXOR and XOR. This technote will go over the Layout vs Layout techniques when running not using FASTXOR.
  • Installing and running a Windows license server (Siemens EDA)
    To use the siemens software with a license server, the FlexNet license server needs to be installed. There are two methods for installing the license server, either through the Siemens installer for the desired software or as a unique executable. This technote only relates to network-based (aka floating) license servers.
  • Overview & configuration of FlexNet licensing for Siemens EDA software
    Overview of license types and how to configure the licenses for Siemens EDA software. Refer to this tech note to learn the best licensing scheme that meets your needs.
  • Requesting a Site ID change to Siemens Support Centre user account 
    The Siemens support portal provides access to download licenses and software that is assigned to a site. This article will cover how to get access to your site when it is not possible due to missing WAC code and the account administrator cant grant access. 
  • Retrieving licenses from Siemens Support Center
    The Siemens support portal provides access to download licenses and software that is assigned to a site. This article will cover the downloading of license files.
  • Licensing from remote networks
    Methodology and solutions to configuring and accessing licenses when the license server is hosted on a WAN (Wide Area Network).
  • Creating multiple simultaneous cell windows
    When working with multiple windows, a user may want to stack or create dockable views of cells to manage screen space efficiently and simultaneously access multiple views. This feature is available in S-Edit and L-Edit through the same methods.
  • Netlisting in S-Edit via Tcl Procedures
    S-Edit allows running netlisting procedures in Tcl that would enable greater control over how your device or subcircuit can be netlisted. This guide will explain how to create a Tcl netlister for your devices, supported by examples.
  • Creating a DLL for T-Cells in L-Edit
    Learn how to generate a DLL containing your L-Edit T-Cells in this example-driven tech note.
  • How to use a Node-Locked Certificate License for Galaxy Semiconductor Examinator
    As of April 2022 Galaxy is issuing certificate licenses.  This article is about how to use a certificate-mode node-locked license with Examinator.   
  • Reserve or block users from a license – Galaxy Semiconductor
    This article describes how to create a license option file to create user groups and how to reserve or block users from a particular license.  
  • How to set up a License Manager for Floating Licenses – Galaxy Semiconductor
    These instructions are how to serve floating certificate licenses for Galaxy Software.  Galaxy uses Flexera certificate-based model for licensing.
  • How to Get Your HostID with lmhostid utility for Galaxy Semiconductor
    Galaxy Semiconductor’s new license scheme now uses Flexera Certificate Mode Licensing. This note shows how to acquire your HostID for floating licenses.
  • Video: Layout Net Highlighting using Calibre RVE
    RVE (result viewing environment) offers powerful features in design error analysis and debugging. This video shows how to use Calibre RVE for net highlighting in layouts. In this video, Calibre RVE net highlighting features are demonstrated in conjunction with L-Edit.
  • Compound Waveforms in EZ-Wave
    EZ-Wave Waveform Calculator can be used to complete many calculations and extract waveforms. This guide explains how to take an existing compound wave and split it into separate waveforms, as well as combine separate waveforms to create a compound waveform.
  • Fix: Calibre help menu missing
    If you have an issue accessing the Help menu in Calibre, this technical note discusses how to fix the issue.
  • Read T-SPICE results in EZWave
    Simulations can be run in Tanner T-Spice and saved in Nutmeg format so that the results can be displayed in other applications such as EZ-Wave. This allows for simulations to be generated using a T-Spice license, and calculations and viewing can occur on an AMSV license.
  • Return waveform data from EZWave into S-Edit
    Adding simpler waveform returning functions, such as the DATA(2) function. This note discusses how to use this function in your project.