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PIC International Conference 2023 “quick downloads”

Photonics Internation Confernece logo

A number of product factsheets and white paper articles relevant to EDA Solutions recent exhibit at PIC International Conference held in Brussels April 18-19, 2023 are available for you to download.

Click to access

  • 4 x Whitepapers
    • Advancing silicon photonics physical verification through innovation
    • Layout driven design with L-EDIT Photonics
    • Physical verification for silicon photonics: Challenges and solutions
    • Realizing the promise of silicon photonics
  • 4 x product factsheets
    • Tanner L-Edit Photonics
    • Tanner Digital Implementer –  RTL to GDSII flow for “analog on top” designs
    • Tanner S-Edit & L-Edit for analog IC front and back end design

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