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EDA Solutions Utilities


EDA Solutions develops scripts and programs to solve a variety problems and to automate different tasks. These utilities are shared on GitHub. The utilities are not officially supported however any issues reported via the SupportHub Support Request portal will be supported on a best efforts basis.


Refer to the tools’ README file for usage instructions or check inside the scripts.


Tanner Program Opener

Relevant product(s): Tanner Tools
Operating systems: Windows 10

A GUI used to open different versions of Tanner tools.

Find Net Labels

Relevant product(s): S-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10 / Linux

A Tcl script used to find net labels with a chosen name using a shortcut.

Get CDF info

Relevant product(s): S-Edit, L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10 / Linux

A Tcl script that grabs specific CDF default property values for every cell in an OpenAccess (OA) library.

Layer Summary to Layer Map

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10 / Linux

A script that will take an input layer summary file from L-edit and create a CSV.

Open GDSII button

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10 / Linux

Creates a button in the toolbar to open a GDSII file saved in a set location.

Launch Putty

Relevant product(s): N/A
Operating systems: Windows 10

A tool used to set up a Putty connection to help use the Linux-Windows integration in Tanner tools.

Clipboard to Stroke

Relevant product(s): N/A
Operating systems: Windows 10

A tool used to input keystrokes from a string in the clipboard.

Draw N-sided polygon

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10/Linux

A tool used to create a polygon of desired number of sides and radius.

Extract and Merge Antenna Data

Relevant product(s): L-Edit, Calibre
Operating systems: Windows 10/Linux

A set of scripts that leverages Calibre to add antenna data to lef files.

Replace instances

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10

A script that finds and replaces specified instances of a cell with new instances of another cell.

Set or Update Corner Variables

Relevant product(s): S-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10/Linux

A script that creates or searches for existing corner variables and sets them to user-defined values.

Calculate Overlapping Area

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10/Linux

A script that calculates the overlapping area of selected polygons in a layout.

Export Layer 2 GDSII

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10/Linux

A script that exports a GDSII for selected layers.

SVN Command Line Interface

Relevant product(s): SVN
Operating systems: Linux

A user CLI environment for Linux SVN, which streamlines the process for common commands

Orthogonal Alignment

Relevant product(s): L-Edit
Operating systems: Windows 10/Linux

Change log


  • Added Orthogonal Alignment


  • Added SVN Command Line Interface


  • Added “Export layer 2 GDSII” script


  • Added Set or Update Corner Variables and Overlapping area


  • Added Extract and Merge Antenna Data and Replace instances


  • Added Draw N-sided polygon


  • Added Launch putty and clip to stroke


  • Added Open GDSII


  • Added Get CDF info and Layer Summary to Layer Map


  • Added Find Net Labels Script


  • Created this page
  • Added Tanner Program Opener


MIT License


Find us on GitHub – https://github.com/EDA-Solutions-Limited

Support – github@eda-solutions.com