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Customising the Nitro Reference Flow (NRF) in TDI

Published by Khalid Teama – Latest update: 24/01/2023

wp:post-terms {"term":"category"}
Post categoryTanner Digital Implementer
Operating systemsWindows/Linux
Versions affectedAll
Relevant area(s)Flow customisation


The TDI consists of three tools, namely:

  1. Tanner L-Edit: acting as the viewer/editor of the design and provides project setup GUI
  2. Oasys AMS: synthesis engine
  3. Nitro AMS: Place & route engine

L-Edit can run on Windows or Linux. Oasys AMS and Nitro AMS can only run on Linux. For further product installation requirements, please visit the installation/administration guides.

This technote shows how to transfer a TDI project from the GUI setup arrangement to command line while customising the NRF.


Exporting the project from L-Edit

You may setup a TDI project in L-Edit using this toolbar (also enabled by right-clicking in the toolbar section and enabling ‘Nitro’):

TDI (aka Nitro) toolbar in L-Edit

You must ensure all sections of the setup have been completed correctly. If a section is highlighted in red, it means it was not satisfactorily completed. Hover the cursor over the question mark (?) associated with that section for a tip on what is missing:

Incomplete section

Completed sections are highlighted in green. Once all sections have been completed, you may click “Run” to export the project to Oasys AMS and/or Nitro AMS on the Linux side:

Completed setup

Acquiring project data on Linux

Once the project data have been exported to the Linux environment, they can be found under the “/tmp” directory. The folder name is usually a concatination of the username and the expression “_nitro_data”. For example:

Example of a project directory exported with TDI from L-Edit

To begin working with this data, please copy or move this directory to where you wish as your workspace on the Linux machine.

Customising the NRF

The NRF scripts are located under the Nitro AMS installation directory, under “ref_flows/tcl”.

Please copy the “ref_flows” or “tcl” folder locally to your project. The project directory should now look something like this:

Example project directory now containing “ref_flows” directory

Once the “ref_flows” directory has been copied to your project directory, please modify the “nitro.tcl” of script of your project as follows:

Edit version of “nitro.tcl”

Note that the a variable “nrf_dir” is now defined pointing to the new (local) directory of the NRF and the local “nitro_ams.tcl” is being sourced as well.


Nitro-SoC User’s Manual, Nitro-SoC Reference Flow Variables:
