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Galaxy Semiconductor Intelligence

Test data analytics throughout the semiconductor lifecycle

Galaxy is a total lifecycle solution for semiconductor test data analytics from initial device characterization— to automated yield and quality management—to RMA analysis.

The solutions provide engineers and managers with “semiconductor intelligence” that enables better decision making and process improvement.

The products are based on a common architecture and use model which makes it easy to scale up your yield and quality management activities as your business grows.

Examinator Pro

Examinator-Pro offers product and test engineers everything to characterise new ICs and test programs, quickly ramp up production at OSATs and identify and…

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Galaxy’s PAT-Man™ is a comprehensive solution for PAT (Part Average Testing) and other DPM reduction techniques that manages the entire outlier removal process from…

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Automate Production Test Yield Management Across the Supply Chain Yield-Man is an enterprise yield management solution that automates the data collection and analysis processes…

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On-demand webinar: ExaminatorPro

Understanding Galaxy Semiconductor’s test data solution from NPI to Sustaining

Characterising IC devices, ramping to production volume and sustaining quality, reliability and yield throughout the product life is critical for a successful chip company.  The process relies on your ability to process high volumes of semiconductor test data and make critical decisions

If you are responsible for test development/production for the NPI, production ramp &/or sustaining phases of ICs, Galaxy Semiconductor’s Examinator can make you significantly more productive. 

Attend this webinar to understand how to use Examinator to analyse test data, understand the impact of tuning specifications and automatically producing your required documentation Examinator.

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